E-Max Dental Veneer

E-Max Dental Veneer

Emax veneers are the most aesthetically advanced veneers that have reinforced porcelain in their infrastructure and are made entirely of block-reinforced porcelain. This type of coating does not contain metal infrastructure or zirconium as in other coatings. Laboratory stages are carried out entirely with computer-aided scanner and printer systems. Generally, front group teeth, where aesthetics are most important, single-tooth crowns, short bridges with two missing teeth, and teeth with enough material loss to be laminated are preferred, depending on the materials to be used. Among the aesthetically aligned white teeth that have been applied recently, the most commonly used method is emax dental veneer. It is mostly applied to the front incisors. It is not applied to teeth that have lost their health, but to those who are unaesthetic and uncomfortable to look at. Known as aesthetic veneer, it is not applied to the back teeth because it is not very durable. Therefore, your doctor will give you the necessary information on this subject.

How is Emax Dental Veneer Made?

Emax dental coating is the same as dental applications. For Emax teeth, measurements are taken and these measurements are sent to the laboratory. Laboratory and measurement processes are very important in this sense. For patients who want to have Emax, the process begins with an examination. The doctor informs you about how the procedure will be performed. Teeth measurements are taken by the doctor. Measurements taken from the computer system are more accurate. After measurements are taken for the teeth, they are sent to the laboratory environment to physicalize the teeth. Complete preparation of teeth usually takes between 3-5 days. Temporary teeth can be inserted to prevent patients from suffering during this process. You can use these teeth in this process. The teeth prepared for the teeth coming from the laboratory to be attached to the patient must be rehearsed. Preparations should be made for the patient, taking into account dental comfort, sensations such as chewing, biting and speaking. In the final stage, emax veneers are bonded to the teeth. Bonded teeth may cause discomfort to the patient. However, this will be a little difficult at first. As you start using it, your mouth structure will get used to it. Therefore, you can get the necessary support from your doctor when you experience any problems.

Do you have any questions?

You can always ask us your questions via our WhatsApp line and make an online appointment.

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